At New Era International school, we strive for excellence as we are a dual curriculum school. The students at our establishment are challenged with learning English as a First language and are held to high standards.

Every year grades 7-12 are given the opportunity to submit 1 creative writing to their teachers. The topics vary each year, as does the style of writing. Our students had the opportunity to submit poems, personal experience essays, or opinion compositions. From each grade only 10-12 students were picked for publication. We spent many hours reading over and editing these writings and believe those chosen showed great understanding of the topics, as well as creativity and originality. We are so thankful to the students and parents of New Era for working diligently to produce good works and further themselves to be better. 


Here is a collection from the English classes from the year 2021-2022. It is composed of letters, compositions and reflections from the students in grades 8-12.