Мөнхтуяа Дүгэрсүрэн
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 0893
Curriculum aims:
Following the Cambridge Lower Secondary programme helps learners to lay the foundations for lifelong learning, including:
• curiosity about the world around them and enthusiasm for learning
• knowledge, understanding and skills that can be applied in and across subjects
• effective and confident communication skills, including in English
• understanding of their personal and local context, as well as having global awareness.
In Cambridge Lower Secondary Science, learners:
• build curiosity and fascination about the world to stimulate their interest about science
• first meet foundational scientific concepts, that then develop through the Cambridge Pathway
• develop their scientific skills so they can become increasingly independent when questioning and investigating phenomena
• begin to understand that scientific models are used to understand and explain phenomena
• recognise that scientific understanding changes over time
• link science to real world contexts that are personal, local, national and global, identifying the relevance of science to the modern world.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science supports learners to become:
Responsible – They are responsible for themselves and for working collaboratively with others when investigating science. They understand how the application of science can have impacts on others and on the environment. They appreciate the role science has in the modern world, including in their communities.
Innovative – They are able to use their scientific skills and understanding to adapt to new, unfamiliar and future challenges. They are flexible and critical thinkers when studying scientific phenomena.
Confident – They are secure in their scientific understanding of the world, confident in working with scientific information and ideas and ready to challenge their own thinking. They are able to present their findings and defend their conclusions as well as respect those of others.
Engaged – They are curious and want to deepen their scientific understanding. They are keen to develop their ability to do science and are open to new ideas. They are able to use science to participate constructively in society and the economy by make informed choices involving science, at personal, local, national and global levels.
Reflective – They are reflective as scientists, able to review their understanding of the world and discover more. They are concerned with the process of science as well as the products of science and develop skills to allow them to investigate science independently.